
Monday, September 19, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Aidil Fitri 2011

Wishing All Muslims a Very Happy Aidil Fitri from me and my family.

I'm here in my 40 weeks today still waiting to pop out soon. Hey baby, Mama is waiting for any signs of delivering you..

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Fasting ~ Salam Ramadan al-Mubarak

Happy Fasting to all Muslims Everywhere...

As I am 34weeks pregnant, I hope I succeed in fasting for 30days this year!!

Love always,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Earthenware Soup Tureen from Strasbourg

I have stitched this for a long time but haven't managed to frame it up yet. (I was waiting to put it in my own home, maybe in the kitchen). There are 3 Earthenware Soup Tureen altogether which I got this pattern from I am planning to do the other 2.... One is still in progress. Hopefully I can complete the whole set this year....hihi.

My finished Earthenware Soup Tureen #1:

Love always,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Four Ballet Bears

I have stitched this 4 Ballet Bears for a long time.......I couldn't remember when but I think it was 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my eldest son Amin.

I thought of putting it in his room, but however... soon have forgotten about it.......and I was waiting until I get a baby girl of my own. That will be perfect in a girls' room instead of a boy right?

Now my eldest is 7 years old..who is more into Ben-10, Power Rangers and Transformers. Same goes to my 2 more sons Hakim and Aleem. And also now I'm expecting another BOY (as what my gynae says).... I guess it is better to give it to my niece Aleesya. She's 2 years and it will be just perfect for her.

My 4 Ballet Bears .....

And my niece Aleesya. Smiling happily with her gift.. (Ask Mommie to frame it for you okay..)

Love always,

A birthday card

I was browsing the net to search for some nice charts, so that I can stich them and do a Birthday Card for my niece..Marissa. She's turning 5 this July.. and very into dolls.

So, I guess I'll stich a picture of a doll or a girl on her birthday card. I manage to stumble across and found a chart of a japanese girl.

Here are the final results and a picture of my niece...Marissa with her card and present. "Happy Birthday darling!!"

Love always,

Cross Stiching After 4 Years

I started cross-stiching again one day after 4 years of leaving it. My 3 boys were at my mother's place for a sleepover.. and I was soo bored. Hubby was at his Art Studio finishing his artworks.. so, here I was at home ALONE.

Nothing shown on TV was for my liking..and also can't sleep... I thought I could relax as my kids were away.. Being pregnant at 7 months.. I could need the rest though.

However, everything seems nothing else I could do, when I remembered my cross stich. I still have an unfinished cross stich that I have left it for 4 years. Same age as my youngest for now.
Will try to finish it ASAP. Will upload a picture of it later...

Till then, love always